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Customer Lead Leadership

Founder David Stevens spoke recently at the Care 4.0 Change in Competence Conference in Vienna, Austria about the next steps beyond person centred care to a 'Customer Lead Leadership Model and associated Standards'.

In describing his experience of what older customers are thinking a number of key drivers emerged:

  • for many it's just about survival - keeping a roof over their head, being close to family & friends, medical attention.

  • for others it's about experiences, places, learning and new relationships.

  • the last few years have exposed vulnerabilities of ageing not imagined including loneliness, isolation, declining mental health.

  • safety and being free from abuse and neglect, having independence and respect for their human rights, individuality and diversity are vitally important to seniors.

Some of the consequences of these drivers are:

  • growing expectations and anxieties around their own ageing experience.

  • increasing opposition to 'old' models of care, including nursing homes, care homes, isolated retirement 'ghetto' communities.

  • seniors expect quality at an affordable/subsidised cost, however most are on very modest incomes with only one asset, their home, or have rented all their lives.

  • there is an increased acceptance of technology to provide low cost solutions as key components to facilitate connection, personal safety, entertainment, domestic tasks and information.

  • seniors expect collaboration among providers, a developmental approach and co-design in their service provision.

Customer Lead Leadership?

Current leadership and standards paradigms are generally based on minimum expectations and operational process - we must move beyond simple person centred care to a customer focussed leadership model with values, vision, strategic plan and governance supporting this.

Here’s how to do it:

How we can Support Your Future Customer Focus:

  1. Customer Lead Leadership is defined by the benefits it brings to customers.

  2. A strong customer lead ‘culture’ exists across all levels of staff.

  3. Measures of accountability are defined by customers.

  4. Customers take an active role in governance and decision-making.

  5. There are portfolio leaders for customer focus areas.

  6. Staff focus on customers needs, routines, likes and preferences - not tasks.

We develop and review Standards of practice for:

  • Independent senior living

  • Retirement communities

  • Community services

  • Care at home

  • Healthy ageing

  • Pandemic management/covid-19

  • Quality assurance

  • Governance

We provide high level Advisory Services to organisations and governments for:

  • Thought Leadership

  • Models of Care

  • Quality Assurance

  • Master planning/Design

  • Market Research

  • Management

  • Training

  • Auditing

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